This week is all about Super Sets! We're focusing on stronger muscles including your heart. Moving weight around will get your heart pumping. This week, keep track of the weight used for your lift during both of our Strength sessions. We'll use that to show your progress over the next 8 weeks. We're focusing on 2 lifts that will strengthen your back and legs: Squat & Deadlift. Here we go:
The Warm up:
Walk/jog/bike for at least 5 minutes
Mini-bands for Shoulders (15 reps at 3 positions)
:20 Hollow Hold to :20 Superman (2x)
Banded Glute Bridge (1x10-15 with 2-count hold)
Strength 1:
Dumbbell Chest Press
Strength 2:
Sumo or Front Squat with Dumbbell
Dumbbell Overhead Press or Front Raise
Muscular Endurance / Balance:
3 Rounds:
12 Renegade Rows or 6 Point Row
12 Hollow Hold Dumbbell Chest Fly
40 Heel Taps
20 Unilateral Balance / Bounce
Don't forget to stretch. Ex. quad pull, hamstring stretch, chest stretch and child's pose.
Now pat yourself on the back!